The Order of Saint Lazarus Canada, the Canadian branch of the international order of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, is donating $5,000 to establish new scholarships for students studying Gerontology at Huntington University in Greater Sudbury. Over the next five years, two $500 awards will be presented annually in recognition of:
• a student with the highest overall average in the Internship in Gerontology (GERO 3107) course;
• a student taking course(s) in Gerontology who has demonstrated outstanding community service in the area of palliative/hospice care.
“As a Hospitaller Order and modern charity, the Order of Saint Lazarus Canada is dedicated to the care and assistance of the poor and sick, and for the advancement and advocacy of palliative and hospice care,” said Paul Henry, Major (Ret’d), a Senior Member of the Toronto Commandery Military and Hospitaler Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Grand Priory in Canada. “As such, we are committed to supporting the studies of students who are pursuing a high quality post-secondary education in gerontology. They will go on to become the front-line workers who care daily for the aged in our communities, as well as the policy makers who shape the future of palliative and hospice care for Canada in the years to come.”
“The aging of Canada’s population is causing a disruption in our youth oriented and death-denying culture,” said Dr. Lorraine Mercer, Chair of the Gerontology Department at Huntington University. “As a result of this disruption, gerontology, the study of aging, is an increasingly relevant field of study offering students relevant perspectives and practices for providing care with dignity, as well as comfort at the end of life.”
“Thank you to Paul Henry and The Order of Saint Lazarus Canada, for selecting Huntington University as the recipient of this funding, over the next five years, to support the establishment of scholarships for our gerontology students,” said Dr. Kevin McCormick, President and Vice-Chancellor of Huntington University. “The Order has a long history of advocacy, assistance and education with respect to hospice and palliative care in Canada. For their organization to recognize the academic achievements and community service of our students in this way, is a great honour for our institution, faculty and students.”