The Huntington University Residence Student Council (HURSC) is aiming to make a big impact in the community this season. As their first order of business, the group which represents the students living in Huntington University’s residence, recently made a donation of 450 non-perishable goods to Dan Xilon, Executive Director of the Greater Sudbury Food Bank, in support of the 30th Annual Edgar Burton Christmas Food Drive.
“Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been collecting donations of canned and non-perishable goods from students living in our residence,” said Austin Lemieux, HURSC President. “The student body, faculty and staff have all been extremely supportive of our #HURSCcommunitycans4christmas campaign. We have to thank Huntington University as well for sponsoring the initiative, allowing us to amass even more items and in turn make a greater impact.”
“It’s inspiring to see our students and residents embracing Huntington University’s value of civic leadership, and becoming actively engaged in making this community a better place,” said Phil Parker, Huntington University Dean of Residence and Student Life. “This is yet another great example of how lessons move beyond the classroom and offer young leaders the opportunity to develop into the community builders of tomorrow.”