Kayla Perry, a third year communication studies student at Huntington University, is currently taking part in the Volunteer Eco Students Abroad (VESA) Program in Ecuador in an important community development project.
VESA and Kayla are working in conjunction with the people of the village and the village chief in addressing the major issues facing the community and local schools. Some of the more major issues that are being faced by these villages are lack of fresh running water, dilapidated schools, and overall poor infrastructure.
Huntington University President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Kevin McCormick, is a local and international humanitarian. When Kayla approach Huntington University looking for sponsorship, Dr. McCormick personally ensured the university would help.
“We at Huntington University want to wish Kayla the best! It is great to see young adults getting involved and pushing themselves to make a difference. Kayla’s drive to help others truly exhibits Huntington’s mission of community excellence and we are very proud!”
When speaking with Kayla about her decision to partake on this adventure with VESA, she stated:
“I think this trip will be an amazing experience. So often people travel for themselves, so I think a volunteer trip is the best of both worlds: you’re exposed to new countries and cultures, but at the same time have a chance to make a positive impact on a community in need! We’ll be building a fresh water pipeline in a rural community just outside of Quito – although I’m not sure how useful I’ll be in building since I have the upper body strength of a chipmunk!”

Her enthusiasm for this volunteer experience was palpable, and Huntington University was happy to help make this trip possible for her.