Sudbury Living Article written by Kayla Perry - April 19, 2013
Even more memorably, Honourary Lieutenant Colonel McCormick will be working to reunite lost war medals and memorabilia with the families of the soldiers they once belonged to. As McCormick explained he does not want to discuss what he pays for the artifacts that he will be donating, because the monetary value is not what is important. “It’s not about the money, I never talk about what I paid and do not want tax receipts.” McCormick further notes “you can not put a cash value on the sacrifices made by a fallen member of the Canadian military…it is important to honour the contributions of those individuals who served and made sacrifices for us.”
McCormick officially began his mission over two years ago collecting items from auctions with the specific purpose of ensuring that the artifacts found a home where they would be honoured and made accessible for future generations. As part of Project Honour and Preserve, Honourary Lieutenant Colonel McCormick has recently been across the nation from Vancouver to St John’s with all stops in between, making presentations of rare medals, letters/journals and personal effects from fallen soldiers. McCormick has also been making financial donations to various museums and associations to assist in the development of community based military history educational initiatives.
An inspiring Canadian and champion for the Canadian Military, Honourary Lieutenant Colonel McCormick is recognized as “a man who has brought the community closer to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces through events across the country marking historic dates in our nation’s military history and the vital role the country’s military museums and monuments play in honouring and preserving the sacrifices of fallen members of the Army, Navy and Airforce.”
Although Dr. Kevin McCormick has had extensive involvement in the Sudbury community, and has a life long history working around the world in Human Rights initiatives, his latest mission has gone above and beyond anyone’s highest expectations. Dr. McCormick, President and Vice-Chancellor of Huntington University, as well as Honorary Lieutenant Colonel (HLCol) of the Irish Regiment, 2nd Battalion and 33rd Brigade Group has embarked on a new mission called Project Honour and Preserve. The national initiative, personally funded by HLCol McCormick is intended to raise awareness for Canadian military history and museums as well as important dates in the nation’s military history.
Reflecting on the multi year project named Project Honour and Preserve, Honourary Lieutenant Colonel McCormick notes, “I am both humbled and privileged to do a small part to preserve and honour the sacrifices made by the members of the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as the contributions made by their families and loved ones.” McCormick will be making the donations in the hopes of ensuring that the sacrifices made by the men and women who served in our military will not be forgotten. Furthermore, in a large effort to ensure younger generations remember the selfless contributions that were made, McCormick is establishing and funding a national scholarship to promote the study of Canadian military history for a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Airforces) or a member of their family (child, grand child, great grandchild). In addition to this, the Honourary Lieutenant Colonel is actively working with the nation’s youth creating various awards for them to encourage future generations to “both learn about and honour the lives of those who served the country and preserve their contributions for future generations.”